Posts tagged “al cruzar la calle”

April 5th, 2012

…Al Cruzar la Calle - Girasol Rojo

‘No soy una artista, puedo ser un cuadro’

From Maracaibo, Venezuela, Linda Sjöquist delivers revealingly beautiful songs under the name …Al Cruzar la Calle. Her debut album is out and it’s stunningly tangible. Her emotions arrive relentlessly, her songs fragile. A certain delicacy permeates each songs— a delicacy in tone and theme, but Linda is full of conviction. In ‘Girasol Rojo’ she warns of the risks of love. “No te enamores, sé inteligente. Sigue tu mente.” The song, or perhaps the album as a whole, is a thoughtful introspection. Linda’s advice echoes as words she mutters to herself. “No te enamores” (Don’t fall in love) is soon followed by “No me abandones” (Don’t abandon me). Linda sings about idyllic exceptions: ”Mírame por dentro…Soy basura. Escritura.”

…Al Cruzar la Calle - Girasol Rojo

…Al Cruzar la Calle - T.S.

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